The Kubota Fund
Developing countries are rapidly improving their social and economic infrastructures backed by economic as well as technical support from industrialized countries.
This kind of support should continue, but it is also necessary to gradually leave to themselves how to develop and stabilize their economy for the future. It is most essential for them to try to stand on their own feet.
The Kubota Fund was established with this notion in 1984 by the late Yutaka Kubota, founder of Nippon Koei Co.,Ltd., who contributed the necessary funds from his own property.
The aim of the Fund was to foster the growth of industrial technologies of less developed countries by financially assisting their potential leaders in various fields to get necessary education and training.
The Fund has, since its establishment, helped many trainees and researchers from developing countries all over the world.
The Fund’s Activities
(1) To provide financial aid to students/trainees/researchers who come from developing countries for pursuing academic degree, training or research at educational/research institutes or business enterprises in Japan (prioritized fields: civil engineering, electrical/electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, agronomic/agricultural engineering, energy engineering, environmental science, and development economics) at business firms or other organizations in Japan.
(2) Other activities necessary to accomplish missions of the Fund.
① 本ページ下部よりダウンロードできる募集要項を精読し、
② 登録・申請専用の別サイト に移行して、基本登録・申請書フォーム入力・推薦書及び各種必要書類のアップロードを行なってください。
The Kubota Fund invites applications for grants for the academic year 2025 (that is, from April 2025 to March 2026). Please ① read the Application Guidelines, which can be downloaded below, thoroughly & carefully, ② visit the new site dedicated to registration and application to perform basic registration, to fill in the application form, and to upload e-files of “Letter of recommendation” and other necessary credentials.
■応募締切/Closing date for applications
2025年1月17日(金)午後10時(日本標準時)/ 22:00 (PM10:00), Friday, 17 January 2025 (JST)
■その他の注意/Other notes
(1) 記入の仕方や提出物に募集要項の指示内容に違背する瑕疵や欠落があった場合には、直ちに貴申請書が欠格と見なされ、審査対象から外されますので、十分に御注意ください。
(1) If there are any defects or omissions in the way you fill out the Application Form or in the materials you submit that violate the instructions in the Application Guidelines, your application will be disqualified and excluded from the examination. Please be very careful.
(2) 本基金助成金申請についてご質問がある場合は、下記連絡先宛に郵便または電子メールでお問い合わせください。但し、応募締切を過ぎてからの受給者選考についての質問は受け付けられません。その点につき御了承ください。
(2) If you have any questions about the application for the Fund's grant, please contact us by mail or email at the address below. However, questions regarding the selection of grantees will not be accepted after the application deadline has passed. Please understand.
〒102-8539 東京都千代田区麹町 5-4
日本工営ビジネスパートナーズ株式会社 経営管理本部内
公益信託久保田豊基金 運営委員会事務局
The Secretarial Office for the Managing Committee of The Kubota Fund
c/o Corporate Management Headquarters, Nippon Koei Business Partners Co., Ltd.
5-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo102-8539 JAPAN
Management of the Fund
The Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. manages and operates the money in trust as the Trustee in accordance with the contract with the Trustor, and runs the Fund with profit from the operation.
A Managing Committee assists the trustee in executing its activities.
A Managing Committee advises and directs the Trustee on the selection of recipients, and the amount of aid, while doing other activities.
A Trust Administrator monitors the activities of the Trustee to ensure appropriate management of the Fund.